Membership and Appointment

  1. Membership is restricted to bona fide residents of the city.
  2. The commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council.
  3. The members shall be appointed for (3) year terms to the end that the appointment shall be staggered and so that the vacancies shall not reoccur at the same time.
    1. In the event of a vacancy, interim appointments may be made by the appointing authority to complete the unexpired term of such a position.
    2. Members shall serve without compensation.
    3. A guideline for selection of membership shall consider the following professions, disciplines and/or interests: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Conservation, Geography, Engineering, Attorney, Historians, Preservation, Planning, Biology, Botany and Ecology.  This provision shall not be construed to exclude dedicated and knowledgeable residents who are not conservationist or design professionals.
    4. Any member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings for reasons other than ill health shall be required to vacate their position and a new interim member shall be selected