Flood Prone Property Elevation Program

The purpose of the Flood Prone Property Elevation Program is to assist residential property owners interested in elevating their homes above the current flood elevation.  In addition, the Program is designed to reduce the repetitive losses associated with flooding events and to minimize new losses by elevating properties located in flood prone areas out of the flood zones. As part of the City’s effort to join the Community Rating System of the National Flood Insurance Program, reducing the number of properties that sustain losses due to flooding will work to improve the City’s overall rank and reduce its risk rating.  Through the Program’s work, flood insurance policy holders in the City could potentially realize a reduction in their premiums due to the lower risk rating and higher ranking of proactively working on reducing flood related losses.

The Program is open to residential property owners who have had previous flooding of their homes from coastal or riverine flooding.  Properties flooded due to high water table or ground water infiltration are not eligible under this Program.  Program participants must have a current flood Insurance policy.  The structure to be elevated must be structurally sound in order to be eligible and the property must meet all current zoning & building codes or be legal non-conforming to participate.

Participants of the Program must be current on all City Taxes, Water/Sewer Usage and Sewer Assessment at the time of application.

Program Description:
The Program’s intent is to develop a list of interested residential property owners that own property that have been flooded in the past and are at risk of flooding again if no mitigation actions are taken.  It is the goal of the Program to reduce the number of repetitive losses associated with flooding events and to reduce the occurrence of new losses.  By elevating structures located in the flood prone areas, the losses associated with future flooding events will be reduced.  Structures should be single family homes, either owner occupied residences, secondary residences or investment property.

Participants of the Program will be required to elevate the structure to a height of at least 1ft above the base flood elevation (BFE).  Once the structure has been elevated, the area below the BFE can no longer be utilized for living space.  In addition, once elevated, the participant must maintain a flood insurance policy.  The requirement for an ongoing flood insurance policy is transferable to new owners in perpetuity.

Funding Availability:
The Program is an ongoing effort, by the City, to assist residential property owners in minimizing the impacts of future flooding events and to reduce losses associated with those events.  Once notices of funding availability are published, the Office will seek participants based on a first come first served approach and based on the specific requirements of the funding source.

Currently, there is no funding available for this Program.

General Requirements & Costs:
Although, there is no cost to participants to join the Program, there is however a cost once they decide to be part of the City’s application for funding.   Interested property owners must fill out the Notice of Voluntary Participation Form to be included on the ongoing list of interested participants. Download and print the form by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

Participants will be contacted by the Office once notice of funding is released.  Many of the federally funded programs have very tight timetables for the submission of grant applications.  Therefore, participants are picked on a first come first served basis with those participants with the most complete application being selected.

Participants of the Program are required to submit a current Flood Elevation Certificate, a building elevation proposal or plans, a completed Elevation Budget Sheet, elevation photographs (showing all elevations of the structure) and, a copy of their current flood insurance policy.  A Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) may be required to determine the cost effectiveness of the participant’s scope of work. Additional documents may be required, based on the source and type of funding.  Failure to provide the required documentation in a timely manner could jeopardize the participants’ chance for inclusion in the City’s application.  All out of pocket expense relating to acquiring any of the documentation required for submission, shall be the sole responsibility of the participant.

If the City is notified its application for funding has been successful, there may be additional costs to the participant for the actual elevation of the structure.  Costs are normally a percentage of the total cost of elevation.  The percentage varies on the Federal agency providing the funds and the specific scope of work associated with the elevation.  In addition, depending on the source of funds, limitations are placed on what specific items are covered and not covered under the Program (i.e. landscaping, additions, decks, and other improvements).  If it is determined a particular cost is not covered, the participant would be required to provide the funds associated with that item in addition to the overall percentage match.

If at any time the participant wishes to be removed from the Program, they can do so at any time.  However, they will forfeit all out of pocket expenses and the ability to be reimbursed for those expenses. 

Program Management:
The Program is to be administered and managed by the City of Warwick’s Emergency Management Office and the Office of Housing & Community Development.  In addition, representatives from the Offices of Planning, Building Inspections, and Zoning will be consulted on an as needed basis.

Notice of Voluntary Participation Form