Small Business Training - 8 Customer Retention Tips for Small Businesses

Event Date: 
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

8 Customer Retention Tips for Small Businesses

Date: 1/10/2023
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (EST)
Registration Deadline: 1/10/2023 12:00 PM (EST)
Fee: No Fee

Register here.

Point of Contact: Lindsey Ramirez (401) 427-6535

Program Format: Online Meeting (Live)
Training Topics: Business Plan, Customer Relations, Managing a Business, Marketing/Sales

In this workshop, business coach Erica Saccoccio shares why business owners should spend as much time caring for their current customers as they do seeking new prospects. Suppose you are wondering about the best way to make the most out of your existing business relationships. In that case, this session is full of golden nuggets you can implement in your business today. You will see gains in your fanfare and bank account if you have a business-to-business model or a business-to-consumer. So we implore you to stop looking for that next customer and cultivate the ones you have as one method to build customer loyalty and a strong brand. The stats do not lie. Did you know that " The closing rate to selling a product or service to a new customer is 5%-20% in retrospect, this percent is increased dramatically with a closing rate of 60%-70% when doing with an existing's customer." World Steam.


Areas Covered- Level Beginner/ Intermediate

1) Understanding the values of retaining just one customer over the life of that customer.

2) Understanding how to find opportunities to do more business with existing customers more frequently.

3) The importance of using your metrics to track customer retention and how to use this information to improve.

4)How keeping your customers happy builds your referral and review base, in turn bringing you more business and revenue.

5)Asking for feedback through surveys, phone calls, and secret shopping can help you improve your people, products, and processes. 

6)Providing a fantastic customer experience through touch points, training, and frequent follow-up.

7) Creating reward and loyal programs goes a long way in making your customers feel special. Offering sneak peeks, exclusive events, discounts, gifts, personalization of phone calls, postcards, and more.

8) Be responsive to customers, problem solve and be proactive if you see a problem coming for your customer. And for Pete's Sake, answer the phone!!!


Registration Policies:

Special Accommodations: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and state law, you may request accommodations due to a disability by contacting the event organizer listed above. Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations. Registration must be paid prior to accommodation requests.